BBG Consultores is a privately-owned company that offers consulting services in the areas of:
Marketing channels management (Marketing channels, and channels development and management)
Marketing and Sales
Organizational Development
Marketing Agency
The team of professionals that form BBG Consultores has vast local and regional experience in the area of Marketing, Finance and Technology.
Our Vision
To be recognized in the Latin American region as the best consulting services company in the areas of marketing and marketing channels development and management.
Our Mission
To advice and assist our customers on differentiated and developed marketing channels so that they can reach their clients in the most effective manner.
Venezuela Av. Sucre, Centro Parque Boyacá, Torre Centro. Ofic. 174, Piso 17. Urb. Los Dos Caminos, Caracas, Venezuela. E-mail: Tel: (0212) 2867673 Fax: (0212) 2854053
BBG Consultants 8185 NW, 68th Street, Miami, FL 33166 E-mail: Tel: (305) 471 4932
Panama Av. Ricardo J. Alfaro, Edif. Vivendi Towers 100, Piso 17, Ofic. 17B, Urb. Edison Park, Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá. E-mail: Tel: (+507) 3949470 / 3949471 Ana Izaguirre: (+507) 61127616